


Case Studies

Automated Early Intervention

Automated Early Intervention

Automated Early Intervention

Automated Early Intervention

Improve well-being and reduce sick leaves through automated early intervention, while supporting employee health and maintaining compliance with automated well-being monitoring

Improve well-being and reduce sick leaves through automated early intervention, while supporting employee health and maintaining compliance with automated well-being monitoring

Improve well-being and reduce sick leaves through automated early intervention, while supporting employee health and maintaining compliance with automated well-being monitoring

Improve well-being and reduce sick leaves through automated early intervention, while supporting employee health and maintaining compliance with automated well-being monitoring

Early intervention in sickness absence cuts sick leave by 17%

Source: Personnel Today

Early intervention in sickness absence cuts sick leave by 17%

Source: Personnel Today

Early intervention in sickness absence cuts sick leave by 17%

Source: Personnel Today

Early intervention in sickness absence cuts sick leave by 17%

Source: Personnel Today

The role of HR in effective health management systems

Effective HR practices are vital for employee health and well-being. They're usually set up with the help of health services, but they only work if the company consistently checks and reacts to issues.

Managers and HR teams have a big job on their hands, and to do it well, they need good systems. These systems make sure employee health is managed well and sustainably. When something needs reacting, let Introist take the burden to coordinate actions with all relevant stakeholders

Lower sick leave rates have a significant positive impact on productivity

Minimising sick leave is vital for business efficiency; a 1% increase in absenteeism can decrease overall productivity by 0.24%. [IZA - Institute of Labor Economics]

Lowering sick leave not only boosts output but reduces costs from sick leave payments and temporary staff expenses, to indirect costs such as disrupted schedules and lowered team morale. It also ensures employees remain engaged and progress in their careers, benefiting both the company and employees.

Minimising sick leave is vital for business efficiency; a 1% increase in absenteeism can decrease overall productivity by 0.24%. [IZA - Institute of Labor Economics]

Lowering sick leave not only boosts output but reduces costs from sick leave payments and temporary staff expenses, to indirect costs such as disrupted schedules and lowered team morale. It also ensures employees remain engaged and progress in their careers, benefiting both the company and employees.

Minimising sick leave is vital for business efficiency; a 1% increase in absenteeism can decrease overall productivity by 0.24%. [IZA - Institute of Labor Economics]

Lowering sick leave not only boosts output but reduces costs from sick leave payments and temporary staff expenses, to indirect costs such as disrupted schedules and lowered team morale. It also ensures employees remain engaged and progress in their careers, benefiting both the company and employees.

Minimising sick leave is vital for business efficiency; a 1% increase in absenteeism can decrease overall productivity by 0.24%. [IZA - Institute of Labor Economics]

Lowering sick leave not only boosts output but reduces costs from sick leave payments and temporary staff expenses, to indirect costs such as disrupted schedules and lowered team morale. It also ensures employees remain engaged and progress in their careers, benefiting both the company and employees.

Effective Early Intervention model is a sum of monitoring and collaborative actions across systems and people

HR teams take various actions in preventing sick leaves and reacting to health and well-being:

Employee surveys and assessments

Surveys help gauge employee stress, workload, and job satisfaction but are periodic and may not offer current data

Employee surveys and assessments

Surveys help gauge employee stress, workload, and job satisfaction but are periodic and may not offer current data

Monitoring workload and overtime

Most organizations need to track work hours and overtime. While they gather data on employee working hours, the analysis of over- or underworking often relies on HR team's manual monitoring.

Reacting to sick leaves

Sick leaves happen and it is normal that everyone gets sick every now and then. However, the cumulation of multiple sick leaves is often a sign worth reacting to. This sign is all too easily missed with only manual monitoring.

Reacting to sick leaves

Sick leaves happen and it is normal that everyone gets sick every now and then. However, the cumulation of multiple sick leaves is often a sign worth reacting to. This sign is all too easily missed with only manual monitoring.

Seasonal health initiatives

During flu season, some companies encourage flu vaccinations and share health tips. In many cases, these methods rely heavily on manual processes, disparate systems, and sporadic implementation, leading to varying results.

While different tools have notifications built-in when threshold limits are reached, reacting is fully manual process for managers and HR

While different tools have notifications built-in when threshold limits are reached, reacting is fully manual process for managers and HR



Despite the available data, tracking health and well-being is hard for HR and managers

Too much manual work

Monitoring all employees consistently alongside all the other work is tough. Since HR teams and managers are already busy, they might not always catch important signs.

Too much manual work

Monitoring all employees consistently alongside all the other work is tough. Since HR teams and managers are already busy, they might not always catch important signs.

Scattered information

Information about employee health, hours worked, and assessment data is often spread across different systems. This makes it hard to form the big picture and detect important signals, leading to lack of vital actions.

Mistakes happen

When everything is done manually, it's easy to make errors. Mistakes or biases in understanding the data lead to wrong decisions.

Mistakes happen

When everything is done manually, it's easy to make errors. Mistakes or biases in understanding the data lead to wrong decisions.


Unified solution for Early Intervention: Smart automation brings all systems, people and actions together





Compile employee data from various sources like HRIS, time tracking and workforce management to build comprehensive picture of your employees.

Build sophisticated rules to launch automated processes not only for reacting to acute cases but also based on leading indicators such as overtime to take preventive actions.

Responding to live events in HRIS

Ensure no Early Intervention is overlooked

Identify early signs of stress


Compile employee data from various sources like HRIS, time tracking and workforce management to build comprehensive picture of your employees.

Build sophisticated rules to launch automated processes not only for reacting to acute cases but also based on leading indicators such as overtime to take preventive actions.

Responding to live events in HRIS

Ensure no Early Intervention is overlooked

Identify early signs of stress



ROI example

Calculational assumptions

Calculational assumptions

Averate sick leave rate 4%

Employees 250

Avg hourly rate (incl. employer costs) 40€

Avg hourly rate 40€

Working days/year 250

Without Introist

Daily cost
250 employees * 0.4 (sick leave %) * 40€ * 8h = 3,200€
250 employees * 0.4 * 40€ * 8h = 3,200€
Daily cost
Annual cost
3,200€/day * 250 days = 800,000€
Annual cost
3,200€/day * 250 days = 800,000€



With Introist we expect to reduce the sick leave (%) from 4% to 3%
Daily cost
250 employees * 0.3 (sick leave %) * 40€ * 8h = 2,400€
2,400€/day * 250 days = 600,000€
Annual cost
800,000€ - 600,000€ = 200,000€
Annual saving
Annual cost
2,400€/day * 250 days = 600,000€
Annual saving
800,000€ - 600,000€ = 200,000€
250 employees * 0.3 * 40€ * 8h = 2,400€
Daily cost

In Finland, the employer pays the full salary for the first 9 days of sick leave + social security contributions (~30% of sick leave pay)

Not taking into account indirect costs that include reduced productivity, temporary replacement, overtime payments to other employees covering the work, or admin costs managing the sick leave process.

In Finland, the employer pays the full salary for the first 9 days of sick leave + social security contributions (~30% of sick leave pay)

Not taking into account indirect costs that include reduced productivity, temporary replacement, overtime payments to other employees covering the work, or admin costs managing the sick leave process.

In Finland, the employer pays the full salary for the first 9 days of sick leave + social security contributions (~30% of sick leave pay)

Not taking into account indirect costs that include reduced productivity, temporary replacement, overtime payments to other employees covering the work, or admin costs managing the sick leave process.

In Finland, the employer pays the full salary for the first 9 days of sick leave + social security contributions (~30% of sick leave pay)

Not taking into account indirect costs that include reduced productivity, temporary replacement, overtime payments to other employees covering the work, or admin costs managing the sick leave process.


Benefits of implementing Introist for Early Intervention

Reduction in sick leave costs

Introist reduces absenteeism costs, including sick pay and productivity loss, by predicting and preventing sick leaves.

Improved employee well-being

Proactive health management enhances overall workplace morale and reduces burnout, contributing to a healthier, more engaged workforce.

Data-driven Early Care model

Automation in tracking reduces the admin work from HR and managers

Ease of integration and use

The system integrates smoothly with existing HR platforms, ensuring easy adoption and minimal operational disruption.

Ready to take the next step?

Speak with our automation specialist to fully leverage automation in your people processes