


Case Studies

Automate Employee Well-Being with Timely Actions

Automate Employee Well-Being with Timely Actions

Automate Employee Well-Being with Timely Actions

Monitor sick leaves and workloads with automated actions, ensuring transparency for both employees and employers. When actions are required, Introist provides timely information to all parties involved.

Monitor sick leaves and workloads with automated actions, ensuring transparency for both employees and employers. When actions are required, Introist provides timely information to all parties involved.

Monitor sick leaves and workloads with automated actions, ensuring transparency for both employees and employers. When actions are required, Introist provides timely information to all parties involved.

How it works


Set limits

Define thresholds for various metrics, such
as overtime and sick leave.


Automated Alerts

When limits are exceeded, employees receive notifications that their manager will schedule a meeting soon.


Manager Guidance

Managers get automated messages with tips on handling sensitive discussions and details about company policies.


Seamless Scheduling

Automatically send calendar invites that check availability in both calendars and book meeting rooms.


HR Oversight

HR is kept informed and involved in the process as necessary, without the extra workload.


Your Digital HR Assistant

Introist gathers data from various systems to ensure nothing is overlooked. It sends customized messages to keep everyone informed and on the same page about the next steps. No surprises or reliance on human memory — just consistently applied processes for everyone.

One Platform – Various Channels

Automate Slack, email, and Teams messages through a single, easy-to-use platform. Schedule calendar invites, with Introist finding a suitable mutual time. Personalize automations with conditions, creating different rules based on work role, employment type, or personal goals.

Express Care with Personalized Communication

Express Care with Personalized Communication

You've invested significant time and money in finding the ideal people for your company. Now, it's time to ensure they stay engaged and satisfied while achieving their goals. Keep showing up for each employee without needing a large HR team.

You've invested significant time and money in finding the ideal people for your company. Now, it's time to ensure they stay engaged and satisfied while achieving their goals. Keep showing up for each employee without needing a large HR team.






Today 09:00 AM

Hi Jack,

We noticed you have exceeded your work time this month. How are you dealing with stress? We recommend slowing down a bit and perhaps talking to your manager. If your overtime continues, don’t be surprised if we suggest a sit down to discuss your workload.

Keep up the good work! ❤️

Keep track of Employee Well-Being

Keep track of employee

Improve well-being and reduce sick leaves through automated early intervention. Happy employees, more productivity, and guaranteed compliance!

Improve well-being and reduce sick leaves through automated early intervention. Happy employees, more productivity, and guaranteed compliance!

Improve well-being and reduce sick leaves through automated early intervention. Happy employees, more productivity, and guaranteed compliance!

Workload Monitoring

Streamline overtime tracking with notifications for employees and managers. Access guidance and relevant resources directly in your email, eliminating the need to log into systems.

Absence Management

Efficiently track numerous sick leaves and absences from various systems. React promptly and provide support to prevent issues from escalating.

Early Stress Detection

Use low-key Slack questions to assess employee well-being and offer assistance with just a click. If employees feel burdened, offer an automated workload checkup with a manager or HR for further support.

Health Promotion

Promote flu vaccinations and offer health tips throughout flu season. Automate reminders regarding sick leave procedures and guide managing situations like caring for an ill child.

Employee Survey Scheduling

Automate Employee Satisfaction Checks: Schedule assessments, self-assessments, and surveys to ensure your employees are content with their work. Set up automated reminders for responses.

Get inspired

Lower sick leave rates affect productivity

Minimising sick leave is vital for business efficiency; a 1% increase in absenteeism can decrease overall productivity by 0.24%. [IZA - Institute of Labor Economics]

Lowering sick leave not only boosts output but reduces costs from sick leave payments and temporary staff expenses, to indirect costs such as disrupted schedules and lowered team morale. It also ensures employees remain engaged and progress in their careers, benefiting both the company and employees.

Minimising sick leave is vital for business efficiency; a 1% increase in absenteeism can decrease overall productivity by 0.24%. [IZA - Institute of Labor Economics]

Lowering sick leave not only boosts output but reduces costs from sick leave payments and temporary staff expenses, to indirect costs such as disrupted schedules and lowered team morale. It also ensures employees remain engaged and progress in their careers, benefiting both the company and employees.

Minimising sick leave is vital for business efficiency; a 1% increase in absenteeism can decrease overall productivity by 0.24%. [IZA - Institute of Labor Economics]

Lowering sick leave not only boosts output but reduces costs from sick leave payments and temporary staff expenses, to indirect costs such as disrupted schedules and lowered team morale. It also ensures employees remain engaged and progress in their careers, benefiting both the company and employees.

See how Futurice automates employee well-being


"The primary aim is to strengthen transparency and trust, empowering team leads to handle challenging situations with confidence. By equipping them with clear guidance and resources, we alleviate the burden on HR and ensure that company protocols are consistently followed, aligning with our strategy"

- Katja Kainulainen, HR Operations Lead at Futurice.

Estimate your savings

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Use the calculator below to get an idea of potential savings and download our ROI calculator to put in more details.

Use the calculator below to get an idea of potential savings and download our ROI calculator to put in more details.

Want to estimate in more details?

Check our Employee Well-Being Automation ROI calculator to build detailed value estimate and ROI for your automation.

Show to others

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Download short overview of what Employee Well-Being Automation could be and use it to spread the word.

Download short overview of what Employee Well-Being Automation could be and use it to spread the word.

Ready to Start Automating HR Tasks?

Ready to Start Automating HR Tasks?

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Begin with Employee Well-Being Automation and expand to Onboarding and Vacation management, among other features.

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With plug-and-play integrations, setting up Introist is quick and easy.