


Case Studies


Feb 10, 2022

Batch 3 / 2022

Klaus Julin

Software Engineer

1 - Using resource calendars as event host

One great way to setup all your people related calendar events is to have a dedicated calendar for those events. Now you can also set such resource calendar as the host for any event steps in Introist!

2 - Integrations (beta)

Being able to integration Introist to your set of systems is a key to automate as much as possible. That’s why we have worked hard to build the foundation for easily adding the integrations you need. Don’t hesitate to ask if you are wondering whether some system important for you would be available!

3 - Fixes and improvements

  • Loading steps for long journeys (think 50+ steps) behaved a bit strangely. Now everything loads neatly at the same time.

  • Something you would like to cancel a step that is failing. Previously that was not possible but now it is

  • It’s useful to see the time of the execution in the step card as well as the date so we added it there

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